Monday Morning Critic Podcast
My name is Darek Thomas and I am the host of Monday Morning Critic Podcast. My podcast is a labor of love created out of my passion for my guests, their work and a variety of shows, movies and people that have changed my life. Welcome to Monday Morning
Monday Morning Critic Podcast
Episode 509 | "Cobra Kai" | Actor: Brandon H. Lee (Kwon)
Episode 509
"Cobra Kai"
Actor: Brandon H. Lee
Brandon joins me for a second time to discuss Part 2 or Season 6 of Cobra Kai. Brandon's character "Kwon" is a big part of Season 6. We discuss Kwon, the character that should have really died, Kwon's early exit, loving a show but disagreeing with some of that is happening, stunt doubles and so much more.
Welcome Back, Brandon H. Lee
#cobrakai #cobrakaiedits #cobrakai6 #cobrakaiseason #karatekid #thekaratekid #daniellarusso #johnnylawerence #ralphmacchio #williamzabka